View ==== Provides a viewport of a text instance and mangages selections. Lifecycle --------- .. doxygengroup:: view_life :content-only: Viewport -------- The cursor of the primary selection is always visible. .. doxygengroup:: view_viewport :content-only: Dimension --------- .. doxygengroup:: view_size :content-only: Draw ---- .. doxygengroup:: view_draw :content-only: Selections ---------- A selection is a non-empty, directed range with two endpoints called *cursor* and *anchor*. A selection can be anchored in which case the anchor remains fixed while only the position of the cursor is adjusted. For non-anchored selections both endpoints are updated. A singleton selection covers one character on which both cursor and anchor reside. There always exists a primary selection which remains visible (i.e. changes to its position will adjust the viewport). Creation and Destruction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. doxygengroup:: view_selnew :content-only: Navigation ~~~~~~~~~~ .. doxygengroup:: view_navigate :content-only: Cover ~~~~~ .. doxygengroup:: view_cover :content-only: Anchor ~~~~~~ .. doxygengroup:: view_anchor :content-only: Cursor ~~~~~~ Selection endpoint to which cursor motions apply. Properties ^^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: view_props :content-only: Placement ^^^^^^^^^ .. doxygengroup:: view_place :content-only: Motions ^^^^^^^^ These functions perform motions based on the current selection cursor position. .. doxygengroup:: view_motions :content-only: Primary Selection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These are convenience function which operate on the primary selection. .. doxygengroup:: view_primary :content-only: Save and Restore ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. doxygengroup:: view_save :content-only: Style ----- .. doxygengroup:: view_style :content-only: