
A dynamically growing array, there exist two typical ways to use it:

  1. To hold pointers to externally allocated memory regions.

    Use array_init for initialization, an element has the size of a pointer. Use the functions suffixed with _ptr to manage your pointers. The cleanup function array_release_full must only be used with this type of array.

  2. To hold arbitrary sized objects.

    Use array_init_sized to specify the size of a single element. Use the regular (i.e. without the _ptr suffix) functions to manage your objects. Functions like array_add and array_set will copy the object into the array, array_get will return a pointer to the object stored within the array.


void array_init(Array*)

Initalize an Array object to store pointers.


Is equivalent to array_init_sized(arr, sizeof(void*)).

void array_init_sized(Array*, size_t elem_size)

Initalize an Array object to store arbitrarily sized objects.

void array_init_from(Array*, const Array *from)

Initialize Array by using the same element size as in from.

void array_release(Array*)

Release storage space.

Reinitializes Array object.

void array_release_full(Array*)

Release storage space and call free(3) for each stored pointer.


Assumes array elements to be pointers.

void array_clear(Array*)

Empty array, keep allocated memory.

bool array_reserve(Array*, size_t count)

Reserve memory to store at least count elements.

void *array_get(const Array*, size_t idx)

Get array element.


Returns a pointer to the allocated array region. Operations which might cause reallocations (e.g. the insertion of new elements) might invalidate the pointer.

bool array_set(Array*, size_t idx, void *item)

Set array element.


Copies the item into the Array. If item is NULL the corresponding memory region will be cleared.

void *array_get_ptr(const Array*, size_t idx)

Dereference pointer stored in array element.

bool array_set_ptr(Array*, size_t idx, void *item)

Store the address to which item points to into the array.

bool array_add(Array*, void *item)

Add element to the end of the array.

bool array_add_ptr(Array*, void *item)

Add pointer to the end of the array.

bool array_remove(Array*, size_t idx)

Remove an element by index.


Might not shrink underlying memory region.

size_t array_length(const Array*)

Number of elements currently stored in the array.

size_t array_capacity(const Array*)

Number of elements which can be stored without enlarging the array.

bool array_truncate(Array*, size_t length)

Remove all elements with index greater or equal to length, keep allocated memory.

bool array_resize(Array*, size_t length)

Change length.


Has to be less or equal than the capacity. Newly accessible elements preserve their previous values.

void array_sort(Array*, int (*compar)(const void*, const void*))

Sort array, the comparision function works as for qsort(3).

bool array_push(Array*, void *item)

Push item onto the top of the stack.


Is equivalent to array_add(arr, item).

void *array_pop(Array*)

Get and remove item at the top of the stack.


The same ownership rules as for array_get apply.

void *array_peek(const Array*)

Get item at the top of the stack without removing it.


The same ownership rules as for array_get apply.

struct Array
#include <array.h>

A dynamically growing array.

Public Members

char *items
size_t elem_size

Data pointer, NULL if empty.

size_t len

Size of one array element.

size_t count

Number of currently stored items.